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Yoga for Schools

Classrooms - Aftercares - Special Events
Pre-School to High School
Ages 3 to 18 years
What Are Relaxation Rooms?
Relaxation Rooms are areas for children during the school day when they are faced with stress, if they get into trouble, and/or if they need to deal with difficult emotions. It is a safe space where relaxation techniques, awareness, art, journaling, and yoga can take place.
It can be more beneficial to allow children the time and space they need to calm down, express and process their feelings; rather than having them sent to the office, a detention room or home. These rooms allow children to relax and reflect on their behaviors/emotions while using the time to find effective ways on quieting the mind and processing thoughts and feelings.
Relaxation rooms are also used for children who are having challenges with behavior. This has been proven in studies to be more valuable in increasing an overall sense of calmness, coping, improving behaviors and managing stress appropriately.
Relaxation rooms can also be conformed or used as a meditation room that can be replaced instead children going into a detention, sent home or to a school office.
Benefits of Relaxation Rooms
Provides a peaceful and quiet area for children to be able to calm themselves down.
Allows for children to be able to express their feelings
Replaces detention rooms and being sent home.
Safe space for children to receive added support that is needed during the school day.
Creative and unique coping skills for children to use during the school day.
Increases healthy expressions of feelings and ways to self regulate and manage behaviors.